Writing & Research

My time at RPI has led to lots of reading and writing as well. I was first pushed to write an academic paper by my professor, Dr. Kate Galloway. I first met Kate in her course ARTS 4500 "Seminar in Sound Studies". In this course I wrote about urban soundscapes and issues that arise when corporations attempt to dampen the sounds of the oppressed and shelterless. My writing within the course also engaged the framework built by R. Murray Schafer, concerning the ideas of soundscape preservation as well as ethical classifications of such spaces. You can find some of my writing that came from ARTS 4500 below, including my final project.

Another course I have taken which required research-oriented writing, was Dr. Michael Century's ARTS 2540 "The Multimedia Century". This course covered the artistic practices that arose within the 20th century, including the Futurist Movement, Fluxus, Afro-Futurism (a favorite of mine), Performance Art, and many others. For my final project of this course, I helped with the production of archived piece by Pauline Oliveros. This piece required the repair and calibration of three tape machines, arranged in a delay matrix to process live performer input. Through this experience, I conducted further research on Oliveros and the effects of tape music performance. I went into detail on the effects of tape delay and sound destruction within the piece, and how Oliveros' piece created a conversation between performers and tape. This paper is currently being workshopped for presentation at conferences and possible publication. A short paper I wrote for the course can be found below.

ARTS 4500, Final Paper

ARTS 2540, Sound Art

A painting!